All articles by GlobalData Energy

GlobalData Energy

Australia displays strong growth in renewables, but lags in other clean tech

In 2020, fossil fuels accounted for 77% of Australia’s power generation, with coal alone contributing 55% to the power mix.

HV Switchgear market to approach $30.34bn by 2027

Policies established to address environmental challenges and capitalise on market opportunities would notably impact the switchgear market.

Government mandates and infrastructure investments to fuel EV growth globally

Global EV sales are anticipated to reach 51.6 million units in 2035, up from 7.7 million units in 2022.

Reluctance to mine puts Europe’s energy transition at risk

The slow response by Europe to source and refine CRMs locally has only been recognised recently.

Global power mix in transition

Energy supply is quickly transitioning into renewable energy-based due to increasing investments and advancements.

The next strides for energy transition in the LAC region

The renewable fuel supply in the LAC is set to increase strongly over the coming decade.

Latin America and the Caribbean play catch up to fulfil their hydrogen potential

According to the World Bank’s solar and wind Atlas, the LAC region has strong renewable generation potential and so can support substantial renewable capacity additions.

Can the Middle East’s renewable energy targets become more than an aspiration?

The increasing cost-effectiveness of wind and solar energy will lead to a growth in generation from these two sources within the Middle East.

Under-subscribed renewable power auctions a concern in Europe

The report discusses renewable energy targets and plans along with the present policy framework.

Auctions play a crucial part in Brazil’s renewable power expansion

The renewable power market has developed rapidly in Brazil in recent years, thanks to its remarkable progress in the wind, biopower, and solar power sectors.